121 |
THREE CARTRIDGE BAGS two leather and one canvas; together with a canvas gun case; gunslips, etc
Sold for £130

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122 |
COGSWELL & HARRISON A SCARCE DOUBLE-EDGED FIGHTING KNIFE 8-inch blade etched with the maker's name and address, smooth wooden grip, in its leather sheath; together with a bayonet for a P14 service rifle
Sold for £380

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A COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION OF GUNMAKERS TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES including: 4 turnscrews and 2 striker keys, 5 pairs of snap caps, hand guards, bullet moulds, loading tools, etc
Sold for £300

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124 |
HOLLAND & HOLLAND A GROUP OF GUN CASE ACCESSORIES including: 4 named horn-handled turnscrews, 2 pairs of named snap caps, and three further snap caps, pull-through, striker pot, 2 oil bottles, etc
Sold for £300

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125 |
A BARREL WALL THICKNESS GAUGE with micrometer dial
Sold for £130

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A 28-BORE CLEANING KIT with snap caps, in its presentation box, together with a chamber brush and leather hand guard
Sold for £80

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ZEISS A PAIR OF 8X56 CLASSIC STALKING BINOCULARS the rubber armoured body with central focusing, in their leather case

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128 |
A GROUP OF GUNMAKERS ACCESSORIES comprising: 9 various turnscrews, 3 cartridge extractors, 3 striker pots, Rigby snapping block, pull-through, cartridge-shaped butt marker
Sold for £600

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129 |
LEICA A RANGEMASTER 900 POCKET RANGE FINDER in its maker's box with instruction leaflet, etc
Sold for £260

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130 |
THREE VARIOUS GUN CASES including: a leather double motor case, a Spanish leather double motor case and a canvas rook rifle case
Sold for £280

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131 |
A GROUP OF IVORY GUN CASE ACCESSORIES comprising: a set of 4 turnscrews, a pair of 12-bore snap caps and a striker pot
Sold for £700

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132 |
FOUR RIFLE CLEANING RODS together with five shotgun cleaning rods
Sold for £120

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133 |
A SELECTION OF GUNMAKERS OIL BOTTLES comprising: 9 oil bottles, some named, including Purdey, Churchill and Lancaster; 2 oil cans; and a brass grease jar
Sold for £280

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134 |
A GROUP OF GUNMAKERS TOOLS comprising: 12 various turnscrews, 3 striker keys and 2 chamber brushes
Sold for £900

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135 |
THIRTY GUNMAKERS SNAP CAPS including named pairs by Boss & Co., Purdey, Westley Richards, W. W. Greener, Watson Bros., etc
Sold for £260

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136 |
KAHLES A 1.5-6X42 HELIA CB TELESCOPIC SIGHT together with a Swarovski Habicht 4 telescopic sight; and a Nikko Stirling "Mount Master" telescopic sight
Sold for £420

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137 |
G. & J. HAWKSLEY A NICKEL SILVER AND BRASS "NORFOLK LIAR" GAME COUNTER retailed by J. Woodward & Sons, with dials for pheasants, partridges, rabbits and hares
Sold for £550

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138 |
A LEATHER CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE with straps and dividers for about 250 cases
Sold for £160

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139 |
A GROUP OF GUNMAKERS ACCESSORIES comprising: a 12-bore chamber brush; 3 shot and powder measures; 3 turnscrews; 2 nipple keys; powder flask, etc
Sold for £260

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140 |
A GROUP OF GUNMAKERS ACCESSORIES comprising: 3 shot and powder measures; 6 small calibre pistol bullet moulds; 2 barrel keys; capper/decapper tool; small pistol turnscrew, etc; and two books, "Gun Tools, Vol 2" and "Small Arms"
Sold for £150

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141 |
A SPEAR-POINT HUNTING KNIFE 9 1/4-inch double-edged blade, marked Manton & Co., brass cross-piece, riveted chequered grips, in its leather sheath
Sold for £320

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142 |
A BALDOCK PATENT HUNTING KNIFE/SPEAR 9 1/4-inch blade with saw-back edge, impressed W. J. Jeffrey, London, brass cross-piece, the hollow blued steel handle with sprung steel sections and chequered sliding sleeve, in its leather sheath
Sold for £200

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143 |
A LION SKIN RUG WITH FULL MOUNT HEAD with jaw agape and real teeth, 110 inches nose to tail, backed with black felt

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Sold for £500

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Sold for £600

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Sold for £260

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147 |
A BRASSBOUND OAK AND LEATHER CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE for about 400 cartridges, re-lined with reproduction Westley Richards label
Sold for £210

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E. M. REILLY AN OAK CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE with lift-out tray and lower compartment
Sold for £200

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149 |
W. HOLLIS A BRASSBOUND MAHOGANY GUN CASE suitable for a percussion gun, compartment for 25-inch barrels

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150 |
BOSS & CO. A BRASSBOUND OAK GUN CASE lift-out tray missing, interior void
Sold for £200

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