181 |
B. NICKEL MARBURG A 1.5-6X42 TELESCOPIC SIGHT 30mm tube with image moving "German Reticule"

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182 |
W. P. JONES A BRASSBOUND OAK AND LEATHER CASE suitable for a double barrel rifle, with compartment for 27-inch barrels
Sold for £350

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183 |
JOHN RIGBY & CO. A CANVAS LIGHTWEIGHT GUN CASE with compartment for 28-inch barrels
Sold for £240

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184 |
CHARLES ROSSON A BRASSBOUND OAK AND LEATHER DOUBLE GUN CASE with compartments for 30-inch barrels; together with a leather single gun case(2)

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185 |
"STALKING BIG GAME WITH A CAMERA" BY MARIUS MAXWELL London 1925, illustrated with numerous plates, fold-out frontispiece and map
Sold for £80

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186 |
W. W. GREENER "THE GUN AND ITS DEVELOPMENT" London 1881, re-covered; together with "The Science of Gunnery", London 1841, re-bound; and 10 further titles on guns and shooting (12)
Sold for £500

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187 |
A COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION OF BOOKS RELATING TO GUNS AND SHOOTING many modern classics, including "The British Shotgun", 2 vol, "The Royal Gunroom at Sandringham", "The Shooting Field", Boothroyd's Directory, etc
Sold for £240

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188 |
A GROUP OF 10 BOOKS RELATING TO HUNTING IN AFRICA including: "The Life of Frederick Courtenay Selous", "Claws of Africa", "Game Animals of the Sudan", "Round the World with Rod and Rifle", "Maneaters if Tsavo", etc
Sold for £380

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189 |
A QUANTITY OF BOOKS RELATING TO HUNTING IN INDIA including: "Tiger Land", "Sport in Kashmir", "Maneaters of Kumaon", "The Life of a Tiger", etc
Sold for £380

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191 |
DEANE, ADAMS & DEANE A SUPERB PRESENTATION QUALITY BRASSBOUND MAHOGANY GUN CASE suitable for a percussion gun, the leather lined interior with compartment for 30-inch barrel, compartment with individual lids and removeable patch box with sliding cover, the ornately tooled leather lined lid with maker's label signed Gunmakers to HRH Prince Albert and surrounded with embossed coats-of-arms and Royal crown

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192 |
OFFICINE PANERAI A PURDEY "LUMINOR SEALAND" LIMITED EDITION WRIST WATCH the 44mm diameter steel case with hinged cover engraved with a scene of woodcock against a woodland background, surrounded by foliate scrollwork, automatic mechanical movement, contained in its maker's presentation box, with additional ungraved cover, spare strap, certificates and guarantees dated 2007
Sold for £3600

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193 |
THREE MAUSER 98 ACTIONS complete with triggers, magazine boxes, bolts, etc, the receiver rings with impressed stamp and maker's name, Fabrica Deitajuba-Brasil

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194 |
J. F. SMYTHE THE ACTIONS, STOCKS AND FORE-ENDS ONLY OF A PAIR OF 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUNS, NOS. 1422/3 the frames and locks with fine scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 1/4-inch well figured stocks with ribbed butt plates, in their brassbound oak and leather case
Sold for £2000

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195 |
COGSWELL & HARRISON THE ACTION, STOCK AND FORE-END ONLY OF A 12-BORE ASSISTED-OPENING "AVANT TOUT" MODEL BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 21943 the frame and top lever with scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 13 3/4-inch figured stock
Sold for £85

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196 |
WESTLEY RICHARDS A SCARCE .177 "HIGHEST POSSIBLE" MODEL AIR PISTOL, NO. 507 9 1/4-inch barrel, the cylinder and frame with maker's markings and patent details, chequered horn grip, retaining some original finish overall
Sold for £600

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197 |
ACCLES & SHELVOKE A .177 CALIBRE ACVOKE AIR PISTOL, NO. 23610 of pressed steel construction and retaining some original finish, right grip cracked in the hand
Sold for £120

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198 |
A SCARCE .177 "WARRIOR" AIR PISTOL with side lever action, adjustable rear sight, chequered composition grips, retaining much finish overall
Sold for £180

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199 |
WEBLEY A .22 "SENIOR" MODEL AIR PISTOL, batch no. 110, 6 1/2-inch barrel, retaining much original finish overall, chequered brown composition grips, in its associated maker's box
Sold for £100

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200 |
WEBLEY A .177 "JUNIOR" MODEL AIR PISTOL batch no. 2712, retaining much original finish overall; together with a further .177 "Junior" air pistol, batch no. 987
Sold for £95

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201 |
WEBLEY A .177 "JUNIOR" MODEL AIR PISTOL batch no. 1086, retaining most of its original finish overall, contained in its maker's box; together with another .177 "Junior" air pistol, no. J1821, with pressed tin grips
Sold for £130

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202 |
HAENEL A SCARCE MODEL 28-R REPEATING AIR PISTOL, NO. 899 4-inch barrel, adjustable rear sight, smooth wooden grips with Haenel motif

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203 |
A SCARCE TELL II .177 AIR PISTOL retaining much original finish overall, chequered walnut grips

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204 |
WEBLEY A .177 MARK I AIR PISTOL, NO. 46057 7-inch barrel, with smooth wooden grips; together with 3 further Mark I air pistols, worn overall (4)
Sold for £170

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205 |
BSA A DEACTIVATED .303 SMLE SERVICE RIFLE together with a deactivated Mosin Nagant rifle, dated 1942; an Indian pattern two band Enfield musket; and a further percussion gun (4)
Sold for £360

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206 |
WEBLEY A .177 MARK II SERVICE AIR RIFLE, NO. S3539 25 1/2-inch barrel (numbered 3739) with adjustable rear sight and bead fore sight, frame with folding aperture sight and screw breech, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 7lb. 2oz.
Sold for £320

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207 |
WEBLEY A .177 MARK 3 UNDERLEVER AIR RIFLE, NO. 24452 18 1/2-inch barrel with adjustable rear sight, half length stock with ribbed fore-end and pistol grip, 13 1/2-inch pull, 16lb. 12oz.
Sold for £120

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208 |
WEBLEY A .177 MARK 3 AIR RIFLE, NO. 18366 18 1/2-inch barrel, the receiver mounted with a Parker Hale aperture rear sight, the half length stock with ribbed fore-end and pistol grip, 13 1/2-inch pull, 7lb. 2oz., fore sight missing, receiver drilled for scope mounts
Sold for £90

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209 |
BSA A .22 STANDARD MODEL UNDERLEVER AIR RIFLE, NO. S666 19 1/2-inch barrel with adjustable rear sight, 14 1/4-inch stock with pistol grip, retaining some original finish overall, 7lb. 9oz.
Sold for £100

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210 |
BSA A .22 STANDARD MODEL UNDERLEVER AIR RIFLE, NO. S31526 19 1/2-inch barrel with adjustable rear sight, the receiver with traces of etched legend, 14-inch stock with pistol grip, 7lb. 11oz.
Sold for £115

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