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WILLIAM EVANS A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 4672 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with chequered butt plate, 6lb. 3oz., nitro proof, bores pitted S2
Sold for £1800
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JOSEPH LANG & SON A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 8113 28-inch replacement barrels by the maker, with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/2-inch well figured replacement stock, 6lb. 11oz., nitro proof S2
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J. BLANCH & SON A 12-BORE "CENTENARY" MODEL BACKLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 6809 29-inch Whitworth steel chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and improved cylinder borings, doll's head extension, the frame, backlocks and top lever carved with heavy foliate scrollwork in the Kell Studio style, gold lined cocking indicators, the trigger guard engraved with the date "MCMXIII", 14-inch figured stock including shaped ebonite butt plate, 6lb. 13oz., nitro proof, bore diameters marginal but a plug will not pass, bores marked S2
Sold for £1300
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183 |
AYA A 12-BORE NO.2 MODEL SIDLEOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 419007 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frame, hand detachable locks and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, gold lined cocking indicators, articulated front trigger and rolled edge trigger guard, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 10oz., Spanish nitro proof, re-jointing recommended S2
Sold for £500
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184 |
P. KNIGHT A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 4941 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 6lb. 7oz., nitro re-proof, rejointing recommended, in its maker's brassbound leather case S2
Sold for £400
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185 |
AYA A 12-BORE NO.4 MODEL BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 497453 26-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, the frame and top lever with border decoration and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £100
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186 |
WEBLEY & SCOTT A 12-BORE MODEL 700 BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 142206 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, the frame and gold numbered top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 15 1/2-inch figured stock including 1 1/4-inch extension, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, right bore marked, re-jointing recommended S2
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P. GARRETT A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 2025 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, the frame and top lever with border engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15 1/2-inch figured replacement stock with pistol grip, 6lb. 15oz., nitro proof, bores marked S2
Sold for £100
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188 |
WEBLEY & SCOTT A 12-BORE MODEL 700 BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 140092 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 3/8 and full choke borings, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 15-inch figured stock including 3/8-inch extension, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £480
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189 |
GEORGE BATE A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 4101 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and full choke borings, top extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a decorative banner, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 5oz., nitro re-proof, re-jointing recommended S2
Sold for £120
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WILLIAM FORD A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 2683 28-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, top extension, the frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, fences with cocking indicators, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock with semi pistol grip and ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 1oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker's canvas case S2
Sold for £360
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ARMY & NAVY C.S.L. A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 68328 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with strengthening screw through the head, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £100
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192 |
W. ATKINSON A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 2803 28-inch shortened barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder borings, doll's head extension, the frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 3oz., nitro re-proof, bores pitted, barrel wall thickness below the recommended minimum S2
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193 |
THOMAS HENSHAW & CO. A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 20302 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, top extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the action flats signed "G. & S. Holloway", 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 5oz., nitro proof (right bore marginal) S2
Sold for £220
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WILLIAM EVANS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 12975 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame and top lever with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £300
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195 |
CHARLES HELLIS & SONS A 12-BORE "THE RELIABLE" BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 3865 26-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and full choke borings, the frame and top lever with border engraving, 15-inch figured stock including 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £200
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J. & W. TOLLEY LTD. A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 9000 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with semi pistol grip and chequered butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., nitro re-proof, re-jointing recommended S2
Sold for £340
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E. J. CHURCHILL A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 679 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, machined flat rib, the frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a banner, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock including 1-inch extension, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof, canvas case S2
Sold for £800
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198 |
WEBLEY & SCOTT A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 143593 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 15 1/4-inch figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 6lb. 8oz., nitro proof, in a leather case with Army & Navy label S2
Sold for £450
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199 |
J. WOODWARD & SONS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 5510 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, bores lightly marked S2
Sold for £500
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WESTLEY RICHARDS A 12-BORE HAND DETACHABLE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 18608 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, doll's head extension, engraved breeches, the frame, hinged base plate and patent top lever with bold scroll engraving surrounding scenes of game birds, retaining some original hardening colour, the maker's name signed in gold, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock with semi pistol grip, 5lb. 14oz., nitro re-proof, ribs loose, right hand ejector spring broken and defective, in its leather case S2
Sold for £2600
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201 |
WESTLEY RICHARDS & CO. A 12-BORE SINGLE TRIGGER BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 02083 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame and patent top lever with scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, patent single trigger with barrel selector, 13 3/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 1oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £1200
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202 |
WESTLEY RICHARDS A 12-BORE HAND DETACHABLE SINGLE TRIGGER BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 16976 28-inch replacement barrels by the maker, with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and full choke borings, doll's head extension, the scroll back frame, detachable base plate and gold numbered patent top lever with fine scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, patent single trigger with barrel selector catch, 13 3/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 12oz., nitro proof, in its maker's double leather case S2
Sold for £4000
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203 |
W. W. GREENER A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 69772 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, rolled edge trigger guard, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with ribbed butt plate, cast-on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 14oz., nitro proof, left bore dented S2
Sold for £400
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204 |
D. B. CROCKART A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 1571 26-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and full choke borings, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 3/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £260
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205 |
WILLIAM POWELL & SON A 12-BORE PATENT BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 9955 26-inch replacement barrels by the maker (numbered 15337), with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame and lift-up thumb lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock including 1-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof, bores slightly marked, right breech with some external pitting S2
Sold for £650
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206 |
W. RICHARDS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 19283 28-inch replacement barrels by the maker, with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and full choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 15-inch well figured replacement stock, cast-on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 2oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £350
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207 |
W. W. GREENER A 12-BORE GRADE DH22 BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 68879 26-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the scallop-back frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 2oz., nitro proof, bores pitted and dented S2
Sold for £250
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208 |
WILLIAM POWELL & SON A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 4649 28-inch replacement barrels by the maker (numbered 15190), with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the frame and top lever with border engraving, 15-inch figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof S2
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COGSWELL & HARRISON LTD A 12-BORE "AVANT TOUT" MODEL BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 29734 27 1/2-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, crossbolt extension and sunken game rib, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof S2
Sold for £300
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