213 |
THOMAS HORSLEY A SCARCE 10-BORE BAR IN WOOD HAMMER GUN 32 1/2-inch damascus barrels with 2 7/8-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the frame, non-rebounding back locks, hammers and patent sliding top lever with scroll engraving, patent self-retracting strikers, the locks signed Burnett, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 8lb. 6oz., black powder proof , bores pitted
The gun is possibly a conversion from a muzzle-loading gun.
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214 |
WILLIAM POWELL & SON A FINE 12-BORE BAR IN WOOD PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 4691 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, additional 30-inch damascus barrels by the makers with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 choke borings, numbered 6703, the frame, rebounding bar locks and hammers with fine scroll engraving and retaining much orginal hardening colour, patent lifter top lever and retracting strikers with loaded indicators, 15 1/4-inch well figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 7lb. 7oz., nitro proof, canvas case
The gun incorporates William Powell patent No. 1055 of 1869, a modification of the original lifting lever design of 1864 to incorporate the self-retracting pins. The additional barrels are marked C on the rib to indicate that they are choked.
Sold for £2000
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215 |
STEPHEN GRANT A 12-BORE SIDE LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 4160 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, the rounded frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and side lever with fine scroll engraving, Grant & Hodges patent action, 14-inch well figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., nitro re-proof
Sold for £1800
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216 |
THOMAS JACKSON & SON A FINE 12-BORE SIDE LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 2546 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the rounded frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and side lever with fine scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 15-inch well figured stock with engraved butt plate, 7lb. 2oz., recent nitro re-proof
Sold for £1450
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217 |
R. DOBSON A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 7019 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with fine scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, Purdey patent sliding bolt, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with chequered butt plate, 6lb. 14oz., black powder proof, bores marked, together with an additional pair of nitro proofed barrels
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218 |
T. MURCOTT A 12-BORE WALKER'S PATENT TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 3875 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, the frame, non-rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with fine scroll engraving, polished bright, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with engraved heel and toe plates, 6lb. 14oz., black powder proof, bores pitted, top lever ring defective
Sold for £600
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219 |
W. COUTTS A 16-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 1353 29 3/4-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, the rounded frame, rebounding back locks, hammers and rotary under lever with scroll engraving and retaining some hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with horn butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., nitro re-proof
Sold for £950
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220 |
THOMAS HORSLEY A SCARCE 12-BORE PATENT BAR IN WOOD HAMMER GUN, NO. 1924 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, the steel frame with patent sliding top lever, the rebounding bar locks and hammers with self-retracting strikers, with fine scroll and border engraving overall, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 7lb. 6oz., proof exemption certificate, bores pitted, in its maker's brass bound oak and leather case
The gun incorporates the patent lever 2410 of 1863 and the patent hammers no. 1138 of 1867.
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221 |
W. R. PAPE A 20-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 2019 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, top extension, dove tail extractor and grooved breach face, the distinctive frame with patent thumb lever and non-rebounding backlock, nose-less hammers with linked pins, fine scroll and border engraving overall, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with engraved heel and toe plates, broken and repaired at the hand, 5lb. 15oz., black powder proof, bores marked
The gun incorporates Pape's patent 1501 of 1866.
Sold for £700
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222 |
W. R. PAPE A 12-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 1625 30-inch damascus barrels by W. W. Greener, with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about full choke borings, top extension, dove tail extractor with grooved breach face, the frame with patent thumb lever, non-rebounding back locks with nose-less hammers and linked strikers, with fine scroll and border engraving, grip safety, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with semi-pistol grip and ribbed butt plate, 7lb., proof exemption certificate, bores marked
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223 |
W. R. PAPE A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 7258 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about full choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip and engraved heel and toe plates, 6lb. 8oz., recent nitro re-proof, bores marked
Sold for £1000
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224 |
T. & W. HARRISON A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 3464 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, the frame, rebounding back lock, hammers and rotary under lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 7lb., black powder re-proof, bores marked
Sold for £300
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225 |
D. THOMAS A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder borings, the rounded frame, non-rebounding back locks, hammers and rotary under lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 7lb. 1oz., nitro re-proof, bores marked
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226 |
JOHN RIGBY & CO. A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 14254 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and rotary under lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with steel butt plate, 6lb. 11oz., black powder proof, bores severely pitted
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227 |
WARD & SONS AN UNUSUAL 12-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 9070 fitted with a butt safety mechanism, patent 1243-09, 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, the frame, locks and top lever with border and scroll decoration, hammers with safety bolt, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with butt safety device, 6lb. 12oz., black powder proof, bores marked
Sold for £100
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228 |
A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder borings, the frame, bar locks, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch stock, 6lb. 9oz., black powder proof, bores severely pitted, rejointing recommended
Sold for £20
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229 |
BARTRAM A 12-BORE PINFIRE GUN 30-inch barrels, the rounded frame, back locks, hammers and rotary under lever with lined border decoration, 13 3/4-inch figured stock, 7lb., black powder proof, bores pitted
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230 |
J. BLANCH & SON A 12-BORE PINFIRE GUN, NO. 3347 30-inch damascus barrels, the frame, back locks, hammers and forward pointing under lever with scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, the action flat stamped Joseph Brazier, 15-inch well figured stock with engraved butt plate, 6lb. 14oz., black powder proof, bores marked
Sold for £550
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231 |
WINCHESTER A 12-BORE MODEL 1912 TAKE DOWN PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN, NO. 129717 30-inch barrel with 2 3/4-inch chamber about 1/4 choke boring, 13 3/4-inch stock with maker's chequered butt plate, restricted magazine capacity, 7lb. 6oz., nitro proof
Sold for £180
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232 |
BROWNING A 12-BORE A5 MODEL SELF-LOADING GUN, NO. 65689 31 1/2-inch barrel with 2 3/4-inch chamber, about full choke boring, plain black receiver, restricted magazine capacity, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 8lb. 6oz., Belgian nitro proof
Sold for £320
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233 |
A BELGIAN 12-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 10785 26-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, the rib signed in gold "Damas Bernard", the re-coloured frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and top lever with border and scroll engraving, 14-inch figured stock with semi-pistol grip and steel butt plate, 6lb. 6oz., Belgian proof, bores pitted
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234 |
G. H. DAW A SCARCE 12-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 131 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the rounded frame, non-rebounding backlocks, hammers and push-forward underlever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2/-inch figured stock, bores pitted, in its maker's brass bound oak and leather case with lift-out tray, 7lb. 2oz., nitro reproof
Essentially the first centrefire breechloader to achieve commercial success, it was first patented in 1861 and revised by Daw as patent 1594 and 1862.
Sold for £1100
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235 |
STEPHEN GRANT A 12-BORE SIDE LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 3830 31-inch damascus barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, the rounded frames, rebounding backlocks, hammers and side lever with fine scroll engraving, Grant & Hodges patent action, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with engraved heel and toe plates, cracked and repaired at the hand, 7lb. 1oz., nitro re-proof, bores marked
Sold for £1200
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236 |
HOLLAND & HOLLAND A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 5751 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved and 1/2 choke borings, the rounded frame, rebounding back locks, hammers and rotary under lever with fine scroll engraving and areas of rust pitting, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with steel butt plate, 6lb. 9oz., nitro re-proof, bores pitted, left barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum
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237 |
HUSQVARNA A 16-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 118267 29 1/2-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about full choke borings, machined rib with cross-bolt extension, the plain frame, rebounding back locks, hammers and top lever retaining much original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch stock with pistol grip, 6lb. 11oz., nitro proof
Sold for £250
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237A |
NAVY ARMS A 12-BORE PERCUSSION GUN, NO. 10030 28-inch barrels, the barlocks and hammers with scroll decoration and retaining all of their original hardening colour, half-length stock with recoil pad, 15-inch pull, 7lb. 4oz., Italian black powder proof
Sold for £40
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238 |
MIDLAND GUN CO. A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 55049 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about full choke borings, machined rib and cross-bolt extension, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever engraved with scenes of dogs chasing game and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with semi pistol grip, 6lb. 14oz., nitro proof, bores pitted, rib loose
Sold for £95
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239 |
W. & J. DAVIS A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 89188 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 choke borings, machined rib with cross-bolt extension, the frame, rebounding bar lock, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip, butt plate chipped, 6lb. 9oz., nitro reproof
Sold for £180
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240 |
W. R. PAPE A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 6578 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 7oz., nitro reproof, bores marked
Sold for £400
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241 |
E. PATON & SON A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 1995 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and half choke borings, cross-bolt extension, the frame, rebounding back locks, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of hardening colour, 14 1/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 6oz., nitro reproof
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