241 |
CHARLES LANCASTER A 12-BORE ASSISTED-OPENING BACKLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 6725 28-inch shortened damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about recessed choke borings, the rounded frame, backlocks and top lever with fine scroll engraving, 15 1/4-inch figured stock including 3/4-inch ebonised extension, 6lb. 12oz., nitro re-proof, bores pitted
Sold for £780

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242 |
AN ENGLISH 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 7925 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the plain frame and back action bar locks retaining traces of hardening colour, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip, 6lb. 15oz., nitro re-proof, fore-end loop loose, ejectors defective, canvas case
Sold for £220

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243 |
C. MODE À PARIS A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 5759 28 3/4-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, mid extension, the blacked frame and locks with fine border engraving, clipped and arcaded fences, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 8oz., nitro re-proof, refinished overall
The gun appears to be of Belgian manufacture as of the very highest quality.
Sold for £1200

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244 |
JOSEPH DEFOURNY A BELGIAN 12-BORE SELF-OPENING SIDELOCK EJECTOR PIGEON GUN, NO. 1955 29 1/2-inch sleeved chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about full choke borings, file cut rib and mid extension, the frame and locks with bouquet and scroll engraving, the clipped fences deeply carved with foliage, 15-inch figured stock including 3/4-inch extension and rubber recoil pad, 7lb. 2oz., nitro proof, ejectors require regulation
The gun is built on a version of the Beesley self-opening action and it is for this reason that these guns are known as "Belgian Purdeys".
Sold for £1300

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245 |
J. RIGBY & CO. A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 17361 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, rising Rigby Bissell third bite, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, fences carved with fern leaves, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including recoil pad, 6lb. 13oz., nitro re-proof, leather case, barrel wall thickness marginal
Sold for £2000

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246 |
HENRY ATKIN A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 1183 30-inch Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke boring, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with fine scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 10oz., nitro re-proof, lightweight leather case
The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1898 as the No.1 gun of a pair. The pair to this gun is included as the following lot.
Sold for £3500

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247 |
HENRY ATKIN A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 1184 30-inch Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke boring, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with fine scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15 1/4-inch replacement stock, cast on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 11oz., nitro re-proof, bores marked, canvas case
Sold for £2100

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248 |
AYA A 12-BORE SINGLE TRIGGER NO.1 MODEL ROUND-BODY SELF-OPENING SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 536-02 29-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/2 choke borings, the rounded frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, Holland & Holland style self-opening mechanism, gold lined cocking indicators, left handed top lever, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stock with pistol grip, cast on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 9oz., Spanish nitro proof, canvas case
The gun was built in 2002 for a left-handed shot with left-handed lever.
Sold for £4400

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249 |
P. ARRIZABALAGA A 12-BORE SELF-OPENING SIDELOCK EJECTOR PIGEON GUN, NO. 13145 27 1/2-inch choper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 3/4 and full choke borings, file cut rib and mid extension, the frame, hand detachable locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, gold lined cocking indicators, rolled edge trigger guard, clipped fences, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock including recoil pad, 6lb. 13oz., nitro proof

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250 |
E. J. CHURCHILL A 12-BORE "IMPERIAL" MODEL SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 6335 25-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, file cut narrow Churchill rib, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with gold acanthus scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the action base inlaid with a gold Imperial crown, 14-inch well figured stock, 6lb., nitro proof
Sold for £3500

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251 |
ARAMBERRI A SPANISH 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 91791 27 1/2-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, mid extension, machined rib, the frame and locks with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch stock including 1 1/2-inch extension, 7lb., Spanish nitro proof
Sold for £200

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252 |
G. BATE - WITHDRAWN A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR PIGEON GUN, NO. 65573 30-inch barrels with 3-inch chambers about full choke borings,
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253 |
WESTLEY RICHARDS A 12-BORE "GOLD NAME" BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 7383 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder and full choke borings, doll's head extension, the plain frame and gold numbered patent top lever retaining some original hardening colour, the maker's name signed in gold, 14 3/4-inch figured stock including 1/4-inch extension, slightly swept comb, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof, in its maker's leather case
Sold for £700

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254 |
HENRY ATKIN A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 349, FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF WORLD SPEED RECORD HOLDER SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder and full choke borings, the frame with fine scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15 1/4-inch well figured stock including 3/4-inch extension and rubber recoil pad, pegged at the head, 6lb. 4oz., nitro re-proof
The maker confirms that the gun was built as the No. 1 gun of a pair for A. Campbell. The guns were used by Sir Malcolm Campbell until his death in 1949, when they were subsequently given to the present owner's uncle by Donald Campbell.

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255 |
CHARLES HELLIS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 2733 29-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, top extension, the frame, side plates and top lever with heavy scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 4oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker's leather case, bores pitted
The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1918 at a cost of £35.00.
Sold for £700

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256 |
WATSON BROS. A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR PIGEON GUN, CONVERTED FROM A DOUBLE BARREL RIFLE, NO. 12352 28-inch replacement barrels by William Ford, with 3-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, the frame and top lever with border and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the grip with engraved reinforcing side plates, 14 1/4-inch highly figured pistol grip stock including cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, left horn repaired, 8lb. 4oz., nitro proof, open leather case with lift-out compartment, W W Greener label
Sold for £700

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257 |
H. CLARKE & SONS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 10883 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame with foliate scroll and border engraving, the maker's name signed within a scroll, 15 1/2-inch figured replacement stock including 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 8oz., nitro proof, the original stock for this gun is also included
Sold for £580

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258 |
GUNMARK A 12-BORE "KESTREL" MODEL BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 390265 27 1/2-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frame with impressed decoration and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, 7lb. 1oz., Spanish nitro proof
Sold for £170

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259 |
AYA A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 167238 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, the frame with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 6oz., Spanish nitro proof
Sold for £200

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260 |
W. W. GREENER A 12-BORE FH35 GRADE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 67497 27 3/4-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, machined rib with crossbolt extension, the frame with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, side safety, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip including 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 8oz., nitro proof, bores pitted
Sold for £260

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261 |
THOMAS TURNER & SONS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 3553 26-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about full choke borings, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, in its canvas case
The gun appears little used.
Sold for £550

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262 |
W. H. MONK A FINE 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 40337 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame, locks and dummy side plates with fine border and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock wtih ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 15oz., nitro re-proof, canvas case
Sold for £1200

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263 |
H. CLARKE & SONS A SCARCE 12-BORE SINGLE TRIGGER BOXLOCK EJECTOR PIGEON GUN, NO. 11315 30-inch barrels with 3-inch chambers about full choke borings, file cut rib with top extension, the frame with border and scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 7lb. 12oz., nitro re-proof

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264 |
WEBLEY & SCOTT A 12-BORE MODEL 700 BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 25785 26-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, file cut Churchill rib, the frame with scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, 15-inch figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 6lb. 8oz., nitro proof, in its canvas case with maker's label
Sold for £800

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265 |
W. W. GREENER A 12-BORE DH50 GRADE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 69127 27-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke boring, crossbolt extension, the frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving, side safety, 14 3/4-inch figured stock, stock head pegged, rejointing recommended, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof, in its leather case
Sold for £450

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266 |
E. J. CHURCHILL A 12-BORE "UTILITY" MODEL BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 2845 25-inch replacement barrels by the maker, with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, mid extension, the frame with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15-inch well figured stock including rubber recoil pad, 5lb. 15oz., nitro proof
The gun was rebarrelled in 1987.
Sold for £900

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267 |
A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 53804 30-inch barrels by Thomas Turner with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame with fine border and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14-inch figured stock including recoil pad, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof, bores pitted, leather case (Ref: A15304 - Whiting/Strow)
Sold for £260

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268 |
WILLIAM POWELL & SON A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 13300 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, top extension, the frame with border engraving, 13 3/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof, canvas Brady case

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269 |
WILLIAM EVANS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 13839 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, top extension, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock, cast on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof
Sold for £800

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270 |
COGSWELL & HARRISON A 12-BORE "AVANT TOUT" MODEL ASSISTED OPENING BOXLOCK EJECTOR, NO. 27641 29-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the blacked frame and dummy side plates with scroll engraving, 15-inch figured stock including 1-inch extension, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof
Sold for £280

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