271 |
AYA A 12-BORE MODEL 25 BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 220934 25-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame engraved with rose bouqest and foliate scrollwork and retaining much original hardening colour, 15-inch figured stock including 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb., Spanish nitro proof
Sold for £350

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BSA A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 50166 25-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, the frame with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, and retaining much of its original blued finish, 15-inch well figured stock with pistol grip and 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, canvas case, together with a leather gun slip

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273 |
W. W. GREENER A 12-BORE "G" GRADE SELF-ACTING HAMMERLESS EJECTOR GUN, NO. 43239 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, crossbolt extension, the scroll backed frame with border and scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a banner, side safety, 13 3/4-inch highly figured stock cast on for the left shoulder, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof

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GALLYON & SONS LTD A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 11946 25-inch barrel with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, file cut Churchill rib, the frame with bouquet and scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock including 3/4-inch extension, 5lb.b 14oz. nitro proof
Sold for £800

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ARTHUR TURNER A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 11395 25-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, narrow Churchill rib, the frame with border and scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 1 1/4-inch extension, 6lb. 2oz., nitro re-proof
Sold for £600

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276 |
A GERMAN 16-BORE BOXLOCK NON-EJECTOR GUN, NO. 330402 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 choke borings, proof marks for May 1940, machined rib with crossbolt extension, the frame with border engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, cocking studs, composition trigger guard, 14 1/4-inch stock with semi pistol grip, 6lb., nitro re-proof

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277 |
HOOTON & JONES A 12-BORE BOXLOCK NON-EJECTOR GUN, NO. 8318 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, doll's head extension, the frame with scroll engraving and retaining traces or hardening colour, 13 1/2-inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 6lb 5oz., nitro proof
Sold for £130

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W. CARSWELL LTD A 12-BORE BOXLOCK NON-EJECTOR GUN, NO. 87167 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke boring, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 3oz., recent nitro re-proof, in its maker's lightweight canvas case
Sold for £240

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279 |
W. GARDEN A 12-BORE BOXLOCK NON-EJECTOR GUN, NO. 3560 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true and 3/4 choke borings, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, 15-inch highly figured replacement stock and fore-end wood, 6lb. 8oz., recent nitro re-proof, leather case
The gun has been refurbished to a very high standard.
Sold for £400

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280 |
C. G. BONEHILL AN 8-BORE HAMMER GUN 36-inch damascus barrels with 3 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, doll's head extension, the rounded frame, hammers, rebounding backlock and rotary underlever with border engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 13lb. 6oz., recent nitro re-proof

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281 |
C. G. BONEHILL AN 8-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 49145 34-inch barrels with 3 1/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, the frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and top lever with border and scroll engraving, left hammer replaced, right hammer repaired, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip, broken and repaired at the hand, 12lb., black powder proof, bores pitted, worn overall
Sold for £800

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282 |
WILLIAM MOORE & GREY A 10-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 2499 31-inch barrels by J Purdey & Sons, with 2 7/8-inch chambers about 3/4 and full choke borings, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and rotary underlever with border engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock, 9lb. 2oz., nitro proof

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283 |
CHARLES LANCASTER A 14-BORE SLIDE AND DROP HAMMER GUN, NO. 3640, CONVERTED FROM BASE FIRE 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the action, non-rebounding backlocks, hammers and rotary underlever with bold scroll engraving, the maker's name signed within a scrolling banner, the forward angled breech with recessed breech face, 14-inch figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 6lb. 15oz., black powder proof, barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum
The gun appears to have been converted from base fire. The strikers and hammers have been replaced.
Sold for £400

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J PURDEY & SONS A RARE 12-BORE HAMMER EJECTOR GUN, NO. 14981, BUILT IN 1895 FOR LORD RIPON (AS EARL DE GREY) 30-inch chopper-lump Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 3/4 choke borings, the rounded frame, rebounding hammers, back locks and numbered top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, fences with side clips, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, probably a replacement, 6lb. 8 1/2oz., black powder proof, left barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum
The gun was built in 1895 as the no. 1 gun of a pair. (The no. 2 gun of this pair was sold at the Gleneagles Hotel on 30 August 1999). The guns were originally supplied without chequering on the grip and fore-end. An unusual feature of the gun is the presence of a manual half-cock between full cock and the rebound half-cock.
Provenance: By family descent from Lord Ripon's head keeper, Chas. Julian.
Lord Ripon, Earl de Grey, was born in 1852 and became the second Marquis of Ripon in 1909. He is arguably the greatest game shot of all time with a recorded lifetime's total of 556,813 head of game. Much of his shooting was conducted with a set of three guns and with great speed of loading is known to have had seven dead birds in the air at one time. He persisted in the use of hammer guns. The unprecedented size of his "bag" has led to his frequent description of the greatest shot of all and his feats are unlikely to ever be repeated.
At Studley Royal, his Yorkshire estate, he entertained the royalty and nobility of England and Europe and in turn shot with the greatest sporting estates, such as Holkham, Sandringham and Elveden in the heyday of the shooting party. It was his combination of natural ability and total commitment to his chosen sport which raised him above the level of other good shots. In the shooting field throughout his life he was repeatedly top score and despite increasing age he maintained the highest standard to the end. He died on September 22nd 1923 in the field, having killed 51 grouse on his last drive, while the last birds of the day were being picked up, he fell down dead.

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285 |
PURDEY A SCARCE 12-BORE PINFIRE HAMMER GUN, NO. 6047 29-inch barrels, possibly shortened, with 2 1/2-inch chambers, true cylinder borings, the rounded frame, non-rebounding backlocks, hammers and rotary underlever with scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch highly figured cross-over stock for the right shoulder and left master eye, 6lb. 3oz., black powder proof
The maker confirms that the gun was delivered 31st March 1861. It is a very early example of a Purdey breech loading gun and uses a single grip screw underlever. It is thought that relatively few guns were built on this action and it is especially unusual in having been built with a full cross-over stock.
Sold for £1400

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286 |
PURDEY A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN, NO. 7342 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder borings, the rounded frame, non-rebounding backlocks, hammers and First Pattern thumb lever with fine scroll engraving, the pinfire-style hammers with retractable firing pins, 14 1/2-inch figured replacement stock with steel butt plate, 6lb. 10oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker's leather case with lift-out tray
The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1866. It is a very early example of a centrefire gun by Purdey and incorporates the retractable firing pins of Patent No. 424 of 1865 as well as the Purdey Patent bolt of 1863.
Sold for £3400

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287 |
PURDEY A 12-BORE BAR-IN-WOOD THUMB LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 8432 30-inch sleeved barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, sunken game rib, the frame, rebounding bar lock, hammers and second pattern thumb lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., nitro proof
The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1871. The gun was refurbished and sleeved in 2008 to the very highest standard.
Sold for £7000

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288 |
JOSEPH HARKOM A 12-BORE PINFIRE HAMMER GUN, NO. 898 29 3/4-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the rounded frame, non-rebounding backlocks, hammers and rotary underlever with fine scroll and border engraving, right hammer missing, left hammer missing its retaining screw, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 7lb., black powder proof, the breeches with welded pins to prevent insertion of cartridges
Sold for £200

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289 |
THOMAS HORSLEY & SON A 12-BORE BAR-IN-WOOD HAMMER GUN, NO. 2532 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 choke borings, patent sliding top lever, the frame, rebounding bar locks and hammers with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with chequered butt plate, 7lb., black powder proof, 1868 Rules, bores pitted
Sold for £600

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290 |
T. BLAND & SONS A 12-BORE HAMMER GUN 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, the frame, non-rebounding bar locks, hammers and rotary underlever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving around scenes of game and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 13 3/4-inch figured stock with chequered butt plate, 7lb. 2oz., black powder proof
Sold for £500

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291 |
T. WILD A 12-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 15222 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke boring, doll's head extension, the frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and top lever with scroll engraving, 14-inch figured stock, 6lb. 9oz., nitro re-proof
Sold for £300

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292 |
H. MANGEOT A BELGIAN 14-BORE PINFIRE LEFAUCHEUX PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 189 28-inch damascus twist barrels with gold-lined breech, the rounded frame, forward-pointing underlever, hammers and back locks with fine foliate scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with engraved steel butt plate, 6lb. 10oz., black powder proof
The gun is a fine example of an early European pinfire sporting gun.

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293 |
WOODWARD & CO. A 12-BORE PERCUSSION SPORTING GUN 27 1/2-inch damascus twist barrels, the breeches gold lined and with platinum plugs, the frame, hammers and locks with scroll engraving and retaining some original finish, the half length figured stock with steel butt plate, 14 3/4-inch pull, 7lb. 6oz., black powder proof
Sold for £500

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294 |
W. DOOLEY A 12-BORE PERCUSSION GUN, NO. 1743 31 1/2-inch damascus barrels, the breeches gold lined and engraved with a pheasant, platinum plugs, the frame, bar locks and hammers with fine scroll engraving and scenes of dogs and game, engraved steel furniture, the half length stock with pistol grip, 14 1/4-inch pull, 8lb. 2oz., London black powder proof
Sold for £350

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295 |
W. JONES A 12-BORE PERCUSSION GUN 27-inch twist barrels, the hammers and locks with border and scroll engraving, half length stock with engraved steel furniture and pineapple finial, 14 1/4-inch pull, 6lb. 8oz., black powder proof
Sold for £250

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296 |
T. HORSLEY A 12-BORE PATENT BAR--IN-WOOD SIDE LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 2221 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder boring, the frame, rebounding bar lock, hammers and side lever with fine scroll engraving, hammers with patent self-retracting strikers, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with horn butt plate, broken and repaired at the hand, 6lb. 13oz., black powder proof, bores severely pitted

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297 |
T. HORSLEY A 12-BORE BAR-IN-WOOD PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 1847 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 choke borings, the frame, sliding top lever, non-rebounding bar lock and hammers with fine scroll engraving, patent top lever and self-retracting strikers, 14 1/4-inch figured stock with steel butt plate, worn and damaged at the knuckle, 6lb. 9oz., recent nitro re-proof
The gun has recently been re-proofed, jointed and the barrels re-browned in preparation for further restoration.
Sold for £600

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298 |
T. HORSLEY A 12-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 1250 29 1/2-inch damascs barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 choke boring, the frame, non-rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with foliate scroll engraving, patent sliding top lever, grip safety, 14 1/4-inch figured stock, cracked and pinned at the hand,damaged at the knuckle, 7lb. 7oz., nitro re-proof, barrel wall thickness well below recommended minimum
The gun has recently been re-proofed and prepared for further restoration work.
Sold for £400

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299 |
AYA A 12-BORE "COSMOS" MODEL SINGLE BARREL GUN, NO. 251050 30-inch barrel with 2 3/4-inch chamber about 3/4 choke boring, plain frame and hammer, retaining much original hardening colour, 6lb. 2oz., Spanish nitro proof
Sold for £35

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300 |
A BELGIAN 16-BORE SINGLE BARREL FOLDING GUN, NO. 724 29 1/2-inch barrel with 2 1/2-inch chamber about true cylinder boring, the frame with hammer and side lever, Belgian nitro proof; together with a Russian 12-bore single barrel folding gun, no. Y24193 (2)
Sold for £160

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