E. PATON & SON A FINE 12-BORE BOXLOCK NON-EJECTOR GUN, NO. 5195 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, single lump and doll's head extension, the Anson & Deeley patent action and patent top lever with fine scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, patent use no. 849, 14-inch well figured stock including 1/2-inch extension, 7lb. 2oz., black powder proof, in its brassbound oak and leather case
The gun is an early example of the classic Anson & Deeley patent and is finished to the typically high standard of this maker. |
Sold for £590
Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns |
Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London |
17 April 2013 |
Commission is 25% ex. VAT. Artist's Resale Right may apply |