GARBI A FINE PAIR OF 12-BORE DELUXE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUNS, NOS. 17515/6 29-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 choke borings, with two pairs of additional 29-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 3/4 and full choke borings respectively, the rounded frames, hand detachable locks and gold numbered top levers with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, hand detachable levers, gold lined cocking indicators, articulated front triggers, rolled edge trigger guards, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stocks including recoil pads, 6lb. 13oz., nitro proof, in their maker's leather case
The guns appear little used and retain almost all of their original finish. |
Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns |
Sotheby's, New Bond Street |
14 April 2010 |
Commission is 25% ex. VAT. Artist's Resale Right may apply |