JULES COUNE A BELGIAN 20-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 1745 27 1/2-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 3/4 choke boring, matted solid rib, mid extension, the bolstered scroll back frame and top lever with fine border engraving, the fences carved with leaves and retaining virtually all of its original blued colour hardened finish overall, 14-inch figured stock, 5lb. 6oz., Belgian nitro proof, canvas case
The gun appears very little used and is of the very highest quality. |
Sold for £1400
Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns |
Sotheby's, New Bond Street, London |
18 April 2012 |
Commission is 25% ex. VAT. Artist's Resale Right may apply |