T. HORSLEY A 12-BORE PATENT HAMMER GUN, NO. 1250 29 1/2-inch damascs barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 choke boring, the frame, non-rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with foliate scroll engraving, patent sliding top lever, grip safety, 14 1/4-inch figured stock, cracked and pinned at the hand,damaged at the knuckle, 7lb. 7oz., nitro re-proof, barrel wall thickness well below recommended minimum
The gun has recently been re-proofed and prepared for further restoration work. |
Sold for £400
Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns |
Sotheby's, New Bond Street |
14 April 2010 |
Commission is 25% ex. VAT. Artist's Resale Right may apply |